Package-level declarations


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data class ButtonStyle @JvmOverloads constructor(@ColorLong val containerColor: Long = 0, @ColorLong val disabledContainerColor: Long = 0, @ColorLong val contentColor: Long = 4278190080, @ColorLong val disabledContentColor: Long = 4278190080, val shape: Shape = Shape.Rectangle, val cornerRadius: CornerRadius = CornerRadius(), val borderStroke: BorderStroke? = null, val buttonElevation: ButtonElevation = ButtonElevation(), val contentPadding: Padding = Padding(), val textStyle: TextLabelStyle = TextLabelStyle(), val containerStyle: ContainerStyle = ContainerStyle())
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data class ContainerStyle @JvmOverloads constructor(@ColorLong val color: Long = ContainerConstants.backgroundColor, val shape: Shape = ContainerConstants.shape, val cornerRadius: CornerRadius = CornerRadius(ContainerConstants.radius), val borderStroke: BorderStroke? = null, val width: Int? = null, val height: Int? = null, val padding: Padding? = null, val margin: Margin? = null)
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data class CursorStyle(@ColorLong val cursorColor: Long, val errorCursorColor: Long, @ColorLong val cursorHandleColor: Long, @ColorLong val cursorHighlightColor: Long)
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data class DividerStyle @JvmOverloads constructor(val thickness: Int = 1, @ColorLong val color: Long, val margin: Margin? = null)
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data class ImageContainerStyle @JvmOverloads constructor(val mainAxisSpacing: Int = 0, val crossAxisSpacing: Int = 0, val containerStyle: ContainerStyle = ContainerStyle())
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data class ImageStyle @JvmOverloads constructor(@DrawableRes val image: Int? = null, @ColorLong val tinColor: Long? = null, val height: Int? = null, val width: Int? = null, val padding: Padding? = null)
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data class InputComponentStyle @JvmOverloads constructor(val titleStyle: TextLabelStyle? = null, val subtitleStyle: TextLabelStyle? = null, val infoStyle: TextLabelStyle? = null, val inputFieldStyle: InputFieldStyle = InputFieldStyle(), val errorMessageStyle: TextLabelStyle? = DefaultTextLabelStyle.error(), val containerStyle: ContainerStyle = ContainerStyle(), val isInputFieldOptional: Boolean = false)
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data class InputFieldStyle @JvmOverloads constructor(val textStyle: TextStyle = TextStyle(), var placeholderText: String = "", @StringRes var placeholderTextId: Int? = null, val placeholderStyle: TextStyle = TextStyle(), val containerStyle: ContainerStyle = ContainerStyle(), val indicatorStyle: InputFieldIndicatorStyle = InputFieldIndicatorStyle.Border(), val leadingIconStyle: ImageStyle? = null, val trailingIconStyle: ImageStyle? = null, val cursorStyle: CursorStyle? = null, val keyboardOptions: KeyboardOptions = KeyboardOptions.Default)
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data class TextLabelStyle @JvmOverloads constructor(var text: String = "", @StringRes var textId: Int? = null, var textStyle: TextStyle = TextStyle(), var leadingIconStyle: ImageStyle? = null, var trailingIconStyle: ImageStyle? = null, var containerStyle: ContainerStyle = ContainerStyle())
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data class TextStyle @JvmOverloads constructor(val size: Int = 14, @ColorLong val color: Long = 4278190080, val textAlign: TextAlign = TextAlign.Start, val font: Font = Font.Default, val fontStyle: FontStyle = FontStyle.Normal, val fontWeight: FontWeight = FontWeight.Normal, val maxLines: Int = Int.MAX_VALUE, val maxLength: Int? = null, var lineHeight: Int? = null)