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data class CardHolderNameComponentStyle(var inputStyle: InputComponentStyle = InputComponentStyle())
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data class CardNumberComponentStyle @JvmOverloads constructor(var inputStyle: InputComponentStyle = InputComponentStyle(), var cardNumberSeparator: Char = CARD_NUMBER_SEPARATOR)
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data class CardSchemeComponentStyle @JvmOverloads constructor(val titleStyle: TextLabelStyle = TextLabelStyle(), val imageStyle: ImageStyle? = null, val containerStyle: ContainerStyle = ContainerStyle(), val imageContainerStyle: ImageContainerStyle = ImageContainerStyle())
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data class CountryComponentStyle @JvmOverloads constructor(var inputStyle: InputComponentStyle = InputComponentStyle())
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data class ScreenHeaderStyle @JvmOverloads constructor(var text: String = "", @StringRes var textId: Int? = null, var textStyle: TextStyle = TextStyle(), var backIconStyle: ImageStyle = ImageStyle(), var containerStyle: ContainerStyle = ContainerStyle())