Package-level declarations


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Provide default theme with prefilled components

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data class PaymentFormComponent @JvmOverloads constructor(val paymentFormComponentField: PaymentFormComponentField, val isFieldOptional: Boolean = false, val isFieldHidden: Boolean = false, val titleText: String? = null, val titleTextId: Int? = null, val subTitleText: String? = null, val subTitleTextId: Int? = null, val infoText: String? = null, val infoTextId: Int? = null, val placeholderResourceText: String? = null, val placeholderResourceTextId: Int? = null, val backIconImageResourceID: Int? = null, val leadingIconImageResourceID: Int? = null, val trailingIconImageResourceID: Int? = null)
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Enum representing PaymentFormComponentField.

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data class PaymentFormCornerRadius @JvmOverloads constructor(val inputFieldCornerRadius: CornerRadius = CornerRadius(ContainerConstants.radius), val addressSummaryCornerRadius: CornerRadius = CornerRadius(BorderConstants.radius), val buttonCornerRadius: CornerRadius = CornerRadius(), val screenBackgroundCornerRadius: CornerRadius = CornerRadius(ContainerConstants.radius))
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data class PaymentFormFont @JvmOverloads constructor(val font: Font = Font.Default, val fontStyle: FontStyle = FontStyle.Normal, val fontWeight: FontWeight = FontWeight.Normal)
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data class PaymentFormShape @JvmOverloads constructor(val inputFieldShape: Shape = Shape.Rectangle, val addressSummaryShape: Shape = Shape.RoundCorner, val buttonShape: Shape = Shape.Rectangle, val screenBackgroundShape: Shape = Shape.None)
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data class PaymentFormTheme @JvmOverloads constructor(val paymentFormThemeColors: PaymentFormThemeColors, val paymentFormComponents: List<PaymentFormComponent> = DefaultPaymentFormTheme.provideComponents(), val paymentFormShape: PaymentFormShape = PaymentFormShape(), val paymentFormCornerRadius: PaymentFormCornerRadius = PaymentFormCornerRadius(), val paymentFormFont: PaymentFormFont = PaymentFormFont())
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data class PaymentFormThemeColors(val paymentFormColors: PaymentFormColors, val buttonColors: PaymentFormButtonColors, val cursorColors: CursorColors, val dividerColor: DividerColor, val imageColors: ImageColors, val textColors: TextColors, val inputFieldColors: InputFieldColors)