
data class AddressSummaryComponentStyle @JvmOverloads constructor(val titleStyle: TextLabelStyle? = null, val subTitleStyle: TextLabelStyle? = null, val addAddressButtonStyle: ButtonStyle = ButtonStyle(), val summarySectionStyle: AddressSummarySectionStyle = AddressSummarySectionStyle( TextLabelStyle(), null, ButtonStyle(), ContainerStyle(), ), val containerStyle: ContainerStyle = ContainerStyle(), val isOptional: Boolean = false)


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constructor(titleStyle: TextLabelStyle? = null, subTitleStyle: TextLabelStyle? = null, addAddressButtonStyle: ButtonStyle = ButtonStyle(), summarySectionStyle: AddressSummarySectionStyle = AddressSummarySectionStyle( TextLabelStyle(), null, ButtonStyle(), ContainerStyle(), ), containerStyle: ContainerStyle = ContainerStyle(), isOptional: Boolean = false)


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val isOptional: Boolean = false
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