object DefaultLightStyle
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fun cardSchemeComponentStyle(titleText: String = "", @StringRes titleTextId: Int? = R.string.cko_accepted_cards_title): CardSchemeComponentStyle
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fun inputComponentStyle(titleText: String = "", @StringRes titleTextId: Int? = null, subtitleText: String = "", @StringRes subtitleTextId: Int? = null, infoText: String = "", @StringRes infoTextId: Int? = null, placeholderResourceText: String = "", @StringRes placeholderResourceTextId: Int? = null, withLeadingIcon: Boolean = false, padding: Padding = Padding(), margin: Margin = Margin(), isFieldOptional: Boolean = false, keyboardOptions: KeyboardOptions = KeyboardOptions.Default): InputComponentStyle
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fun inputFieldStyle(withLeadingIcon: Boolean = false, keyboardOptions: KeyboardOptions = KeyboardOptions.Default): InputFieldStyle
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fun screenHeader(text: String = "", @StringRes textId: Int? = null, @DrawableRes imageId: Int? = null, fontSize: Int = HeaderTitleConstants.fontSize, fontWeight: FontWeight = FontWeight.Normal, font: Font = HeaderTitleConstants.font, @ColorLong textColor: Long = HeaderTitleConstants.textColor, padding: Padding = Padding(), height: Int = HeaderTitleConstants.height, maxLines: Int = HeaderTitleConstants.maxLines, leadingIconSize: Int = HeaderTitleConstants.leadingIconSize, leadingIconPadding: Padding = Padding()): ScreenHeaderStyle
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