
data class Card @JvmOverloads constructor(val expiryDate: ExpiryDate, val name: String? = null, val number: String, val cvv: String? = null, val billingAddress: Address? = null, val phone: Phone? = null)

A representation of a Card API object


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constructor(expiryDate: ExpiryDate, name: String? = null, number: String, cvv: String? = null, billingAddress: Address? = null, phone: Phone? = null)


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val billingAddress: Address? = null

Billing Address Address

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val cvv: String? = null

Card CVV.

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ExpiryDate of the Card. See ExpiryDate

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val name: String? = null

Cardholder name.

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Card number.

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val phone: Phone? = null

Cardholder Phone.