Package-level declarations


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data class Address(var addressLine1: String, var addressLine2: String, var city: String, var state: String, var zip: String, var country: Country? = null)

A representation of a Address

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data class Card @JvmOverloads constructor(val expiryDate: ExpiryDate, val name: String? = null, val number: String, val cvv: String? = null, val billingAddress: Address? = null, val phone: Phone? = null)

A representation of a Card API object

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data class CardTokenRequest(val card: Card, val onSuccess: (tokenDetails: TokenDetails) -> Unit, val onFailure: (errorMessage: String) -> Unit)

Used for Creating a card token request

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data class CVVTokenDetails(val type: String, val token: String, val expiresOn: String)

A representation of a CVVTokenDetails contains tokenization response

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data class CVVTokenizationRequest(val cvv: String, val cardScheme: CardScheme = CardScheme.UNKNOWN, val resultHandler: (CVVTokenizationResultHandler) -> Unit)

Represents a request to tokenize a CVV.

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Sealed class representing the result of a CVV tokenization operation. It can either be a success containing Success or a failure containing Failure.

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data class ExpiryDate(val expiryMonth: Int, val expiryYear: Int)

Object representing an expiry date containing expiryMonth and expiryYear.

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data class GooglePayTokenRequest(val tokenJsonPayload: String, val onSuccess: (tokenDetails: TokenDetails) -> Unit, val onFailure: (errorMessage: String) -> Unit)

Used for Creating a Google Pay token request

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data class Phone(val number: String, val country: Country?)

A representation of a Phone

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data class TokenDetails(val type: String, val token: String, val expiresOn: String, val expiryMonth: Int, val expiryYear: Int, val scheme: String?, val schemeLocal: String?, val last4: String, val bin: String, val cardType: String?, val cardCategory: String?, val issuer: String?, val issuerCountry: String?, val productId: String? = null, val productType: String? = null, val billingAddress: Address? = null, val phone: Phone? = null, val name: String?)
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sealed class TokenResult<out S : Any>