
data class TokenDetails(val type: String, val token: String, val expiresOn: String, val expiryMonth: Int, val expiryYear: Int, val scheme: String?, val schemeLocal: String?, val last4: String, val bin: String, val cardType: String?, val cardCategory: String?, val issuer: String?, val issuerCountry: String?, val productId: String? = null, val productType: String? = null, val billingAddress: Address? = null, val phone: Phone? = null, val name: String?)


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constructor(type: String, token: String, expiresOn: String, expiryMonth: Int, expiryYear: Int, scheme: String?, schemeLocal: String?, last4: String, bin: String, cardType: String?, cardCategory: String?, issuer: String?, issuerCountry: String?, productId: String? = null, productType: String? = null, billingAddress: Address? = null, phone: Phone? = null, name: String?)


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val billingAddress: Address? = null
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val bin: String
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val name: String?
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val phone: Phone? = null
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val productId: String? = null
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val productType: String? = null
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